Johnny's Episode Guide
I have got these all in alphabetical order according
to their title. Use the alphabet bar below to skip ahead to the episode you like.
Aisle of Mixed Up Toys   
A pretty girl gets upset with Johnny when he won't help her
little sister's "Kids with Empty Rooms" toy collection. Johnny promises to buy
some toys and runs to the Toy Store with the hopes of getting a date. The problem is he
only has $1 to spend and that brings him to aisle 6, the defective toy section. 
Alien Confidential   
An alien lands in front of Johnny to offer the
secret of universal peace. He asks for Johnny's leader and Johnny takes him
home to meet Mama. The alien then asks to be taken to the united nations and
Johnny brings him to Pop's Diner. It is a pretty cute cartoon with a quick
bike ride reminiscent of another famous alien.
Beach Blanket Bravo  
A pretty girl upset with her boyfriend picks Johnny as her
method of revenge. The boyfriend challenges Johnny to a surfing contest. Even though
Johnny wins, he still doesn't get the girl.

Bearly Enough Time   
Johnny and his mother, Bunny, are spending the day in the
woods where Bunny is making Johnny a leisure suit out of pine cones. Bunny goes off
looking for the final pine cone to finish the suit. After waiting a while, Johnny goes off
looking for her and ends up in a bear cave where "Chronos" the bear is sleeping.
Johnny has to get him back to sleep or it's feeding time for Chronos. 
Berry the Butler  
Johnny's mom won a contest at the Berry Vanderbolten concert
for Berry to be her butler for the day. Berry didn't expect to actually do any work just
show up and catch Bunny when she fainted but Johnny catches him before he gets to escape.
Johnny has him clean the entire house and by the end of his service has Berry calling him
"My lord and sovereign". At 6:00, when the contract is up, Berry tosses Johnny
around the house breaking everything. Bunny wakes up and yells at Johnny to clean up
because Berry was coming.
Bikini Space Planet    
Johnny is picked up by two aliens that he calls "shiny
mamas" and taken back to their planet. Before they can start dating Johnny they need
to give him a few painful tests. After the tests, they claim he is a perfect male specimen
and crown him their king. After requesting the cable be fixed they see Braveheart and Mel
Gibson and forget all about Johnny.
Blanky Hanky Panky  
Someone is stealing all the yarn in Aron City. Bunny Bravo
begins an angry mob to hunt the thief down. Johnny just tries to protect his blanky from
being stolen. 
Blarney Buddies   
Johnny travels to Ireland and finds out that he will improve
his love-life if he kisses the Blarney Stone. He gets confused when he meets a leprechaun
named Barney Stone and chases him around trying to kiss him. 
A Boy and His Bird  
Johnny learns that chicks love dogs so he goes
to the animal shelter and gets a pet emu in the hopes of getting a lunch date.
Instead the emu terrorizes everyone that comes near it.
Bravo Dooby Doo    
Johnny's car breaks down on the way to his Aunt Jebadissa's
house. He meets up with Scooby and the gang and convinces them to give him a ride after
explaining she "lives in a spooky house on widows peak". When they get there
they find that Aunt Jebadissa is missing and a Ghostly Gardener is on the loose. Johnny
helps the gang solve the mystery.

Bravo, James Bravo   
Johnny finds himself in the middle of Jane Bonded's secret
mission. According to the super secret agent handbook, Johnny has now got to see this
mission to the end by capturing the evil Dr. Pencilneck. Johnny even gets a voluntary kiss
at the end by Jane. 
Bungled In The Jungle  
Johnny gets kicked out of an airplane and lands in the jungle
on top of Jungle Boy. Johnny breaks Jungle Boy's leg and all the animals are upset with
him. The evil King Ray plans to use Johnny to turn the animals against Jungle Boy since
they are both human. 
A Cake Too Much  
Mama sprained her wisking arm right before a
bake-off and needs Johnny and Suzy help her make her famous cake so she can
win first prize. Johnny looses all interest in the bake off when he sees the
pretty lady who's baking next to him. Poor Mama gets last place.
Charm School Johnny   
This is a parody of My Fair Lady. Pop's
believes he can take uncivilized Johnny Bravo and turn him into a gentleman to
pass him off in high society within 7 days. One thing I learned from this
episode is Carl is even uglier as a woman.
Cookie Crisis     
Johnny Little Suzy is selling cookies for her Buttercup Troop
but Johnny doesn't want any. This is all done like Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs &
Ham" with Suzy chasing Johnny with funny rhymes until he give in. 
Cover Boy  
Johnny decides to become a model in order to meet the girl
models. Pops takes pictures of him outside to make him a portfolio. Unfortunately Johnny
develops poison ivy during the show and is fired.
Damien's Day Out 
An evil baby is left at Johnny's doorstep.
Johnny vows to take care of the little tike and is met by the evil powers of
the infant.
Date With An Antelope   
Johnny stars chatting on the Internet looking for a woman. He
meets Carol and asks her on a date. He is shocked to find out that she is an antelope but
Johnny is a nice guy and agrees to take her out despite the fact she has four legs. It
gets worse when Johnny finds out she's just using him to make her boyfriend, who is a
crab, jealous. 
The Day The Earth Didn't Move Around Very Much    
Johnny has to appear in court for numerous crimes he had
committed. Johnny explains that because his VCR was blinking 12:00, he thought time had
frozen. Johnny walked around Aron city and everywhere he went, people froze for different
reasons only supporting Johnny's theory of time freezing.

Did You See A Bull Run By Here?  
Johnny ends up in a bull ring and defeats the bull to impress
a lady he had eyes for. Unfortunately, the bull was then to be killed and Johnny helps
plan the bulls escape with the help of the woman. She turns out to be a Hollywood producer
and puts the Bull and Johnny in the movies.

Mama puts a V-chip on the TV to filter out all
the junk TV. Johnny protests and gets his own pad with Carl in a little camper
at the top of a large cliff. Johnny and Carl fight over sides of the camper
until it falls down the cliff.
Dude Ranch Doofus  
In order to get a date with a cowgirl and to
prove he isn't a city slicker, Johnny must tame the wild horse Diablo. Johnny
actually does succeed in his task but of course things go wrong at the last
second and the date is denied.
Free Pookie   
The annual Weasel Roundup is interrupted by a beautiful animal
rights activist. She says she's think differently of Johnny if he'd help animals. With the
best of intentions, Johnny saves a piņata he names Pookie to return it to its native
A Fool for Sister Sarah  
Johnny is nursed to health by Sister Sarah
after a cologne induced hallucination. Sarah will date Johnny if he can show
he is nice. Of course Johnny fails to see the good in anyone but himself and
she dumps him.
A Gel for Johnny  
Johnny runs out of Mr. Kevin's Triple Strength Hair
Cement and finds out that they factory shut down and so there is none anywhere. He buys a
bunch of other gels trying to find another one that will make his hair as pretty as Mr.
Kevin's did. He finds his solution in the strangest place.
Going Batty  
Lois (a vampire) leaves her vampire boyfriend claiming the
romance is gone after 2000 years. She picks Johnny off the street and plans to make him
her new undead mate. The jealous boyfriend follows the two around making it hard for
Johnny to impress his date. In the end, the boyfriend gets her back by singing to her in a
bar full of vampires, 2 werewolves and a gnome. 
Good Knight Johnny   
Johnny follows a girl dressed as a damsel to a renaissance
carnival. He believes he has gone through a time portal and is really back in
the middle ages. He tries to impress the locals with his 20th century
knowledge only to ruin all the events at the carnival.
Hip Hop Flop  
Johnny finds a turntable for the hip hop group "The
Round Pound". In return they teach Johnny how to be "down" so he can get a
date with a fan of the group.
Hold that Schmoe  
Johnny lears that his first copy of "Man
Bean; The Bean That Walks Like A Man" comic book is worth thousands of
dollars. The problem is the comic is stored in Johnny's attic which is being
haunted by his Uncle Lou. It had parts in it resembling Ghostbusters and the
Polterguist as well.
Mama looses Johnny in a poker game. He now
belongs to a Col. Fatman. Johnny is taken to his private island to be hunted
for sport but Fatman gives up when he finds out how terrible Johnny is at hide
and seek. This was a very played out script with nothing that I found
extremely funny to set it apart from all the rest.
I, Fly  
Johnny is asked to watch over Carl's science
project and is accidentally turned into a fly, similar to the movie "The
Fly". The funniest part is that no one notices the difference when
Johnny's body has the head of a fly. Not even Mama was able to pick out this
Intensive Care 
Johnny and his mother, Bunny, go to the hospital to visit
Suzy, who just had her tonsils out. Johnny has eyes for Nurse Amber and keeps playing sick
so he can get into the hospital and have her take care of him.

I Used To Be Funny  
Johnny is waiting on a corner for his date that he is
unfortunately sharing with an old clown. The old clown gets in a fight with a younger
clown over who's funnier. They use Johnny as the victim of their gags in attempt to make
the other laugh. 
Johnny and the Beanstalk   
When Mama's dry cleaning bill gets too much, she
asks Johnny to sell the family cow to pay for it. Johnny messes up and trades
the cow for two bottles of hair tonic. When spilled the tonic grows a giant
hair stalk and at the top lives a giant who believes Johnny is an action
Johnny Bravo  
A gorilla gets loose from the zoo and Johnny promises the
cute zoo keeper to bring him back with the hopes of getting a date with the keeper. This
is one of the first two shorts about Johnny Bravo. 
Johnny Bravo And the Amazon Women   
Johnny ends up on an island inhabited by Amazon Women. An
elephant is put in charge of keeping him out of "The Valley of Beautiful Women"
but fails. This is the second seven minute short about Johnny.

Johnny Get Your Tutu   
Johnny gets junk mail that promises to find out
what his future career should be. He fills out a bubble sheet but accidentally
mails in a drawing by Suzy. The results come back that he is meant to be a
ballerina. It is very funny watching Johnny prance around on stage.
Johnny's Guardian Angel   
This is a spoof on "Its a Wonderful
Life". The angel Maurice appears when Johnny says he wishes he was never
born. The twist to this version is that everyone is actually much better off
without him.
Johnny Meets Adam West   
Johnny Bravo's mother was supposed to be home at six o'clock
but when she is two minutes late Johnny decides to call Adam West. With Adam West he
begins the search for his mother following a kinds of clues. It is a parody on Batman and
Johnny is now the boy wonder.
Johnny Meets Donny Osmond   
Bunny Bravo decides that Johnny needs a baby-sitter, after
accidentally breaking a cabinet. The babysitter is Donny and irritates Johnny Bravo
extremely. A kind of Mary Poppins with the sound of music. Be careful of the song of Donny
Osmonds in the mountains, because after you heard it two times, you will sing it all day.
Johnny Meets Farrah Fawcett
Johnny gets invited to little Suzys birthday party and
Johnny refuses. Suzy tells him that Farrah Fawcett is her cousin and will be there but
Johnny doesn't believe her. Then Farrah drives up in a limo but it's too late, Johnny has
been taken off the guest list. Johnny tries desperately to get inside. 
Johnny Real Good  
Johnny sees a car on TV
and wants to buy it but his mama says
the only way he ever will is if he gets a job. So Johnny gets a job babysitting for a boy
named Timmy with special powers. Johnny must think only nice things or Timmy uses his
powers to hurt him. This is the second of three in "The Zone" show where normal
things don't happen very often.
Jumbo Johnny  
Johnny buys a product called "Uber Mass" to make
himself big and buff in 6 weeks. Johnny neglects the instructions and drinks it all at
once. He wakes up the next day and is terribly fat, not buff.
Jungle Boy in "Mr. Monkeyman" 
Evil King Ray shaves all his fur and dresses like Jungle Boy.
Then he runs around the jungle acting terrible to make everyone hate Jungle Boy. 
Law and Disorder  
Johnny becomes a security guard at the mall for a power trip.
Instead of stopping crooks, he's picking up chicks and playing video games. Mama comes to
the rescue when Johnny is held hostage by the crook.
Little Talky Tabatha    
Little Suzy got a new doll named "Little Talky
Tabatha". The problem is that Tabatha doesn't like Johnny not accepting Suzy's
invitation to a tea party. She threatens and hurts Johnny and forces him to play with
Suzy. This is the third of three in "The Zone" show where normal things don't
happen very often. 
Look Who's Drooling    
Pops makes extremely hot chili and after Johnny takes a bite
he grabs Carl's fountain of youth potion to cool the flames. As a result Johnny is turned
into a baby until 4:00 pm. Mama loves that her baby boy is little again and treats him
like a child. I gave this one 4 stars because Johnny in the bunny suit is adorable!
Mama's New Boyfriend   
Johnny thinks Mama's new boyfriend, Raul, is
after her savings when he hears him ask Mama for some cash. Johnny follows
them around and essentially ruins their date. It turns out Raul was on the
level but Mama chooses her special boy over him anyway.
The Man Who Cried "Clown"  
Johnny gets annoyed by an evil clown he sees out on the wing
of the airplane he and his mama are traveling in. He fights with this evil clown and
finally gets rid of him but finds out that this was a bad thing. Johnny has disrupted the
plane's clown balance and the clown that is out on the other wing is having a terrible
time keeping the plane from crashing. The solution? Why Johnny dressed up like a clown on
the wing where the evil clown was before. This is the first of three in "The
Zone" show where normal things don't happen very often.
Marine Maroon  
Johnny gets sucked out to sea by a ripe tied.
He is then caught in a fishing net and taken to Sea Land (like a Sea World
place). He believes he has found the lost city of Atlantis and proceeds to
make a mess out of the whole operation.
Moby Jerk  
Johnny is Fatty Nuggets' 1,000,000th customer and wins a
cruise. Johnny is not at all interested until he hears that women will be on the cruise.
Unfortunately Johnny gets on the wrong boat. Captain Spleen is not impressed with Johnny's
attempt to party with the rowing slaves. Watch the captain's shoulder for a changing
assortment of animals including a flamingo and bucket of chicken.
My Fair Dork   
Suzy asks Johnny to be her chaperone at the dance but he
doesn't want to go. A nerdy little guy asks Suzy to the dance but she refuses. Johnny
teaches him how to be a "Bravo Man" and suddenly he is irresistible. The kid is
even picking up girls Johnny couldn't. This is a parody of the movie "My Fair
Over The Hump   
Johnny joins the French Foreign Legion when promised to meet
foreign chicks. He is then carted off to the desert with a camel as his companion where
they have to play the game "Find the Fort". 
Panic in Jerky Town  
Johnny wins a trip to Jerky Town to meet Jerky
Jake. This is a spoof of the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Instead of
oompa-loompas, they have tiny cowboys. Jerky Jake wants Johnny to be the heir
to jerky town.
The Perfect Gift  
Suzy makes a ton of money at her lemonade stand and is able
to buy her mother a trip to Acapulco for mother's day. Johnny need s to find a way to get
$25 to buy his mother new bunny slippers. He does several funny odd jobs to make this
Pop Art Johnny 
Suzy takes Johnny to an art museum and during a
fiasco over the little hot dogs Johnny creates what everyone considers a work
of art with his butt. Johnny is offered money to make colorful butt prints for
the museum.
Three different stories are told on what happened to get
everyone hurt in the park told by Carl, Little Suzy and Johnny. Problem is solved when
Mama offers everyone milk and cookies and they forget the whole thing.
Red Faced in the White House
Johnny takes a tour of the White House to pick up chicks. The
President's daughter is sick of dating robots and Johnny takes her on a real date. After
seeing that Johnny knows virtually nothing about America she says she wants to date robots
again and has the secret service take care of Johnny. 
Schnook of the North    
Johnny looses his Mama in a store and is given
away to a foster family in the artic. I actually thought this one was very
funny but I can't recall any particular reason why I thought this. You'll have
to see it for yourself and judge it on your own.
Send in the Clones   
Johnny forgets to pay the cable bill & must
take the check to the company himslef but instead ends up at a cloning clinic
by mistake. The result is multiple super intellegent, super sweet Johnnys that
makes everyone happy except Johnny.
Sensitive Male   
Johnny has competition getting dates with a man who isn't as
pretty as him. This man then tries to teach Johnny how to be sensitive (School House Rock
style) so he too can get lots of dates. 
Substitute Teacher  
Johnny is at his karate class trying to earn his tiger belt
when a robber breaks into the class. He ties up Johnny's teacher and tells Johnny it's all
a part of his test for his tiger belt. Johnny then does everything the robber says,
including helping him rob a bank, just so he can get his tiger belt.
Super Duped   
Suzy talks Johnny into being her show and tell at school. She
introduces him as "Bravo Man" and Johnny goes along with it when the teacher
says she has a thing for super heroes. Then the Aron City Bank is robbed and everyone
expects Bravo Man to save the day. 
Talk To Me Baby   
Johnny goes to sit in the audience of the Vendela talk show.
One of the guests doesn't show up and Johnny is picked to take his place. The topic of the
show is "Muscle Bound Men and the Women Who Think They're Poopheads". Poor
Thunder God Johnny   
Johnny pulls a hammer from a block of ice in
the style of sword in the stone and becomes a viking god with all sorts of
power. He is told by the gods that he must fight an ice giant. Any episode
where Johnny is screaming like a woman deserves 3 stars...
Tooth or Consequences 
Johnny tells Little Suzy there is no toothfairy. After he
sees how upset she is, he dresses up like the toothfairy and promises to grant her 3
wishes. This might be enjoyed by kids, I personally found it a waste of my time.
Twas The Night   
It's Christmas eve and Johnny hits Santa Claus mistaking him
for a burglar. Because Santa is injured, Johnny has to deliver all the presents. But
Johnny messes up when he gives his mother's present to someone else and he doesn't know
what to do! 
Under the Big Flop  
Johnny and Suzy visit the circus, where Vivian Vixen has
hypnotized Jungle Boy. Johnny tries to seduce Vivian, while Suzy saves the day.
The Unsinkable Johnny Bravo   
A spoof of the Titanic. I actually thought it was pretty
cute. Johnny played the poor third class peasant and fell in love with a rich first class
girl named Shelia. Of course the boat sinks and Shelia breaks up with Johnny.
Virtual Johnny   
Johnny becomes completely engrossed in a
virtual reality video game and walks about the city acting out his fake
persona. This disturbs just about everyone who comes in contact with him. This
has several parts reminicent of Star War scenes.
A Wolf In Chick's Clothing
Johnny gets a date with a beautiful blond woman but when the
moon is out, she turns into a werewolf. Johnny agrees to still take her out because he
knows she will turn back into the beautiful woman again in the morning. The date is a
disaster though because everyone is scared of the werewolf.
