Welcome to Jamie's Johnny Bravo Page. If you've been here
before you can tell that I been doing some updating. Please excuse any broken links I'm
working as hard as I can to get the site running smoothly but there are aways a few bugs.
What I strove for is to make the site easier to navigate. I'd like to hear what you think
of the new look so if you have comments please email me.
To my Homepage
Graduate from college this May. HIRE ME!!!
© Jamie

Disclaimer: The pictures and
quoted text contained in these pages, along with the fictional character Johnny Bravo, are
based on the original works of Van Partible. The pictures, the text, the characters, and
their names are registered trademarks of The Cartoon Network. The
Cartoon Network in no way endorses this Website, nor are they affiliated with this
page in any way. Furthermore, the author of this page has not used this page, nor does she
intend to use this page (or the information contained herein), for personal or
professional gain. Rather, the information is supplied as a public service to Johnny Bravo
fans, for their enjoyment. (In other words, I have nothing to do with Johnny and don't
claim to. I'm just a crazy fan that made a web page.)